Monday, January 29, 2007

BDR, bladder kicker

Among BDR's favorite pastimes include kicking (or punching) my bladder. It's really one of the most bizarre sensations. It's also possibly one of the least comfortable experiences, especially since I'm constantly in a state of needing to go to the restroom.

Kevin's suggested that BDR could be using my full bladder like a moonbounce or a tram-pamp-o-line.

Because of BDR's proclivity to punt my bladder, I'd been working on a theory she's in breech position. I reason the kicks on my bladder are much stronger than the "kicks" at my ribs, and thus the "kicks" at my ribs are really just punches. BDR's more Mia Hamm than Mike Tyson.

That is, until I saw this picture:
So, I think BDR's flipped around (her spine toward my spine), which gives her a straight shot toward my bladder. I still haven't figured out the ribs bit, though.

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