Friday, July 6, 2007

a very good boy

I want to make this point very clear: Peter is a very good baby. To wit:

He sleeps well. For the past two weeks, he's given us 6 hour stretches at night. For the most part, he goes down very easily as well, and if he DOESN'T go down easily, he's just wide awake , not fussy. When he wakes to eat at night, he doesn't cry or scream, but simply sits in his bassinet, grunting away, until someone comes to pick him up. In fact, he's only flat-out cried at night only two or three times (one of which, you may recall, involved nuking Russians).

He eats well. He'll take a bottle from Kevin just as greedily as he'll take milk from me. (My favorite noise he makes, by far, are these hungry, excited grunts that he makes when he is "lowered into position.") He's really good about self-managing his intake as well, which means that, while he does spit up, he doesn't do so often.

He's a really happy boy. It's easy to get him to break into a smile, or to distract him away from fussing. He loves people as well; I'm really kind of proud of how willing he is to hang out in a stranger's arms. He's also incredibly tolerant of his parents' sad attempts at parenting.

He's possibly the most adorable baby ever created, garnering the attention and devotion of all who meet him. Beware the powers of this baby, lest you be enslaved by his charms.

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