Tuesday, April 24, 2007

BDR, the recalcitrant fetus

Today, Dr. Sukhdeo (the other doctor from our clinic who may deliver BDR) confirmed what we'd suspected:

1. BDR is still high as a kite. By this I mean, she's not engaged at all. Her head is located somewhere just under my belly button. So much for my hopes of early delivery.

2. BDR has, in fact, been sticking her bottom out at us for the past few weeks. We'd suspected a bulgy lump on my right side was her bottom, but today we had confirmation.

3. I am not to tell the patients in the waiting room just how easy my pregnancy has been.

Contrary to our suspicions, however, I still have not cracked 170.

Kevin noted while we were waiting to make our (fingers-crossed) final appointment that the doctors seem very unconcerned about my pregnancy. And, truthfully, we are too. We don't really have questions when we visit the doctors, and our concerns tend to be of the more trivial kind.

Like: what happens if my water breaks when I'm out in public? (This was a greater concern for me when I still was working: what would happen if my water broke while I was trying to wrangle a bunch of 6 year olds?) I mean, seriously. What would I do? Should I start packing an extra set of clothes?

Or: does the hospital provide ice chips?

Or: Is that really BDR's bottom sticking out at us?

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