Thursday, August 2, 2007

new days, new games

looking good isn't my ONLY pastime!

Some of Peter's new favorite games include:

"King Peter"
Kevin holds Peter up on his knees and asks "King Peter" if he has "any proclamations to make throughout the land." Sometimes, King Peter gets nicknames - King Peter the Just, King Peter the Merciful, King Peter the Governator.

Peter sticks his fingers in the blankets that have been made for him. Endless fun, especially now that he's discovered that he can jam the blanket in his mouth as well.


Rolling the Ball
Peter balances atop my exercise ball. (This was recommended by the Week-by-Week book, and is surprisingly fun.)

he's days away from signing with the circus

Sometimes, he tells stories. Usually they are happy, but they always end on a sad note.

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