Sunday, March 4, 2007

BDR has taken to wedging herself firmly under my right ribcage. I've tried to explain to her that there is a lot of other room in that ever-expanding uterus of mine, but she seems somewhat recalcitrant. (Well, I assume she's recalcitrant. She could be afraid to try out new spaces. Or, she could be stuck.)

The result of BDR's current favorite hiding spot is that I feel as though my ribs are cracking from the inside out, as they are expanding to accomidate her growing girth. It is exactly as pleasant as it sounds.

Another side effect of BDR's growth trajectory is the fact that several of my essential organs (think: stomach, esophogus, liver) are now jammed up in a small area just under my breastbone, and are kind of bulging out. I'm pretty sure I can feel my esophugus when I touch that area between my two sets of ribs, which is exactly as creepy as it sounds.

Ug. I really can't think of it.

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