Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A day of many firsts

This is how Peter's rocking his style today.

We might have been inspired by last night's exceptional night of sleep, and managed to do the following:

- Go to Target to purchase MORE diapers. (Unlike our other escapades, we've actually purchased diapers that fit.) And, since my mother was with us, she couldn't help but splurge on some baby-blue clothes for Mr. Chompers.
First: Peter's first album purchase, the new Modest Mouse.

- Take a nice long walk to return overdue library books, pick up stamps for thank-you notes, and to drop some stuff off at St. Joseph.
First: Breastfeeding in public, leaky diaper, using a public baby-changing stall.

- Sponge-bathe Peter.
First: uh, the bathing-a-squirming baby part.

Peter, much calmer after his bath is over.

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