Saturday, May 26, 2007

weekend goals

(1) To go grocery shopping;
(2) To successfully attend Roxana and Tony's wedding;
(3) To get Peter into the Bjorn;
(4) To attend the catechist appreciation dinner;
(5) To (perhaps) do something fun.

So far, modest success: we attended the catechist appreciation dinner with little incident. Peter enjoyed being passed around the table to visit with all of the women, and he's already being prepared for the priesthood by Frs. Oscar and Bob.

And, we went grocery shopping, although it was a bit more of a harried trip - we'd not planned a grocery list, and we forgot our shopping bags. As we walked into the store, Kevin said, "I thought we'd just get some ingredient greatest hits and make it up as we go along."

By far, the trickiest will be the Bjorn. Peter hates it - blood-curdling, screaming, painful hatred. He also hates his sling. He hates everything, in fact, other than being held. Sigh.

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