Wednesday, June 6, 2007

first bath bath

We've been sponge-bathing Peter for a while now, but today we toughened up and actually bathed him, in a tub, with water.

It's yet another item I'm adding to my "How in the *@#& Does a Single Mother Do It?" list. Because, really, I think Kevin and I could have used another set of hands.

Peter makes it a little tougher: he's been Mr. Splounch!, spitting up almost constantly. It's like a little river of baby puke coming out of our son's mouth...adorable, really. And, he's SO pudgy it's hard to get into his ripples. I'm pretty sure his neck won't be fully clean until his 5th birthday, and don't even get me started on his thighs.

I've read that many, if not most, babies are comforted by a bath. For many parents, it's part of a calming routine leading up to bedtime.

For Peter, the bath led to a solid 10 minutes of serious freak-out. Luckily, we're versed in the Cult of Karp.

Kevin's comments include, "he was a good boy," and "his hair looks funny when it's wet." Which is true, especially about the hair - it almost looks like Herschel Walker could be his father.

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