Thursday, June 7, 2007

one month check-up

Let's get this over with right at the start.

May 7th
8 pounds, 10 ounces
20.5 inches

June 7th
11 pounds, 9 ounces
21 inches

Peter's a growing boy. He's just growing OUT, and not UP.

Let's put it another way: he's in the 35th percentile for height, and 95th percentile for weight.

Do you want to visualize this? The kid has fat ripples ON HIS FEET, not to mention his little wrists, arms, and thighs.

This is great news for Peter and for me. I was concerned that his recent spate of somewhat runny diapers meant that I'd have to cut out dairy, citrus, soy, or wheat from my diet - to say nothing of tomatoes, onions, caffeine, and chocolate. Really, what would I eat? That's my diet, right there. But, since Peter's gaining weight so well and shows no sign of dehydration, I'm clear to eat whatever I'd like, runny diaper be damned!

In other news, he has a bit of a heat rash from his new swaddling/sleeping in his bassinet routine. He still has his umbilical hernia, but we're still unconcerned about it. He was a very good boy for Dr. Soriano, even during his Hepatitis B shot.

And the best news is that we've been cleared to that the baby to high altitudes! Hello, John Muir Trail. (Just kidding. Didn't I mention that the kid weighs almost 12 pounds? He's definitely not coming with us on any upcoming backpacking trip.)

Peter's girth is taking a physical toll on us both. I have the well-documented tendonitis, and both of us are suffering from some serious back aches and sore, tired arms. While waiting for Dr. Soriano, Kevin had me steal a handout on isometric back exercises, and I've checked out a few Pilates videos from the library.

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