Sunday, June 10, 2007

second hike blues

A few lessons from our second family hike, at El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve.
(1) Hot parents = hot baby, especially when Bjorned.
(2) Always remember a diaper change pad, or else you'll end up changing diapers on your lap.
(3) It's good to find somewhere comfortable to feed the baby while along the trail, or at least some place level and not scratchy.

A tilty diaper change. Not as precarious as the lap-change, though, but with its own hazards.
An additional lesson was learned last night, and may place a serious wrinkle in our return to the outdoor life.
Baby will almost always be asleep if in carseat in moving car.
Baby will almost always be asleep if in Bjorn.

Baby will be awake almost all night, if parents go on a two-hour hike that's an hour away
Yep. I'm blaming that coma-like four hour nap smack in the middle of the day for the fact that Mama got about 1.5 hours of sleep last night, and an additional 3 this morning.

Peter enjoys the views. And is very, very asleep.

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