Saturday, June 23, 2007

Peter takes on the city by the bay, and his second beach to boot

Peter was a trooper during the Ross family visit to San Francisco, including two long-ish car rides, being Bjorned all day, waiting on line for an hour for a cable car, riding said cable car, and walking around in the sunshine all day.

Ross Family with Golden Gate Bridge

Peter and a cable car

Did I mention getting a tattoo and getting a beer?

He also fared a bit less successfully during our attempted drive down Highway 1. I'm blaming it on his 6th-week growth spurt, which has made him hungrier and crankier than ever before.

The Ross Family walk into the ocean, at San Gregorio Beach

And, I'll go on the record as saying that there's now a part of me that sympathises with Britney Spears's holding-a-baby-in-the-moving-car, as there was nothing more I wanted than to scoop baby Peter out of his carseat and comfort him. (Note: I was not driving.)


Anonymous said...

Peter sure is getting out a lot! You guys have an envious amount of energy for being new parents.

amy said...

Yeah, he is a little traveler. But MAN am I exhausted! I really thought I'd be able to be on-the-go for two days in a row, but I learned a valuable lesson this week. Naps. I still need naps.